SGS College | Be Outstanding

Covid Update

On Tuesday 29 March, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Sajid Javid, set out the next steps for living with COVID-19 in England from Friday 1 April.

Updated guidance advises:

  • Adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and no longer have a high temperature.
  • Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can return to college when they no longer have a high temperature, and are well enough to attend.
  • Adults with a positive COVID-19 test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice is 3 days.

For education and childcare settings from Friday 1 April:

  • Regular asymptomatic testing is no longer recommended in any education or childcare setting, including in SEND, alternative provision and children’s social care settings. Therefore, we will no longer be able to order test kits .

SGS College

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L4 Commercial Procurement And Supply Apprenticeship

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Role Profile
The work of procurement and supply professionals includes the process of buying goods and services; however, the role can be much broader than just procurement. Roles can extend to a wide range of related commercial activity such as influencing policy, financial analysis, engaging in contract law, and developing strategy to deliver services. The variety of goods and services that procurement professionals are responsible for is vast: goods could range from buying a plane to negotiating new stationery supply. Securing services could include: finding new and innovative IT systems, outsourcing translation services or closing a deal on a construction project for a new building.

24 months

Programme Delivery
The apprenticeship is one of the key pathways for individuals entering the Commercial profession in both the public and private sectors. The apprenticeship typically takes up to two years to complete; the end-point assessment consists of two distinct assessment methods, a project report, presentation and Q&A, which is typically completed in the last six months. The apprenticeship is graded pass, distinction or fail based on performance in the end-point assessment. The apprenticeship is aligned to professional recognition from the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS); completion of the CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply Operations (Level 4) is a prerequisite for beginning the end-point assessment.

The Diploma requires learners to have category management experience, therefore we have included this as an additional unit.

The Diploma will be delivered at our Filton campus and attendance is mandatory for all apprentices. 

Resources will be available through Smart Assessor, the e-portfolio platform used by the college for apprentices. Further resources will be available through the CIPS website.

Registration with CIPS is required and will be an additional one-off fee.

Maths and English
This apprenticeship requires learners to achieve maths and English at Level 2. Typically, it is realistic for learners to progress up one level during the apprenticeship. At interview, we will carry out an assessment to determine current literacy and numeracy levels.  We will take account of any support needs in determining the suitability of learners for this apprenticeship.

Assessment Overview

End Point Assessment Gateway

The End Point Assessment (EPA) must only start once the EPA gateway requirements have been met and that the apprentice is consistently working at or above the level set out in the occupational standard.


  • English & maths qualifications Level 2 (equivalent to grades A*- C or 9 - 4 at GCSE).
  • A Diploma in Procurement and Supply Level 4, from the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS).
  • Agreement from the apprentice’s EPAO of title and scope of the project that the apprentice will complete during the EPA period, which will form the basis for the project report EPA component; the apprentice’s employer must also agree the title and scope.

Our recommended End Point Assessment Organisation is the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS)

Project Report
Apprentices must produce a project report based on a project completed in their workplace.

EPOAs must agree the title and scope of an apprentice’s project as a gateway requirement. The apprentice’s employer must also confirm their agreement of the project title and scope, in that it aligns with their business/business needs.

Project scope criteria:

  • be broad enough to enable the application of KSBs that will be assessed by this assessment method
  • be based around an appropriate process or problem within the workplace that will enable the apprentice to develop solutions and recommendations for improvement, based on and underpinned by the application of their theoretical and technical knowledge of commercial procurement and supply 
  • focus on a minimum of two elements of the procurement cycle of; understanding needs, market options, developing strategy/plan, pre-market engagement, developing documentation, supplier selection to participate, bid evaluation and awarding, logistics, supplier performance review and management, and end-of-life/lessons learned
  • must be the apprentice’s own work.

Presentation & Questioning
Apprentices must complete a presentation and questioning with an EPA panel.  EPA panels must consist of an independent assessor and a technical expert. The technical expert must be from the apprentice’s workplace e.g. line manager or mentor.

Presentation & questioning criteria:

  • apprentices must give a 10-minute (+/-1minute) presentation on their work role and responsibilities relating to commercial procurement and supply
  • the presentation must be followed by questioning by the independent assessor

Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours for the Commercial Procurement and Supply
A Standard contains a list of the skills, knowledge and behaviours an apprentice will need to have learned by the end of their apprenticeship.  A portfolio will be compiled throughout the apprenticeship to reflect this and will include evidence collated from the work place.


  • Context of procurement and supply
  • Pre-procurement and early market engagement
  • Sourcing and contract agreements
  • Supplier management
  • Category management     


  • Identify approaches to achieve agreements
  • Use a range of contract and supplier performance monitoring, management and reporting techniques
  • Be able to carry out cost management, including the cost base, and variances from budget
  • Use appropriate software packages, plus specialist programmes and systems
  • Clearly and concisely raise items for discussion and negotiate in order to resolve issues
  • Recognise the impact that decision-making has on costs and identify opportunities to save money
  • Evaluate costs by comparison with industry standards or high performers (benchmarking)
  • Confidently display supplier/customer relationship management skills
  • Take responsibility for activities such as change control, managing contractual obligations, risk management and measurement and delivery to the required performance standard
  • Use selection and award criteria commonly applied when sourcing requirements from external suppliers
  • Use different types of documentation and terminology
  • Liaise, negotiate and undertake proactive actions with suppliers to ensure successful delivery of purchased goods and services, taking appropriate actions to address any shortfalls or excess


  • Maintain an economic, long-term focus whilst considering the objective of achieving value for money in combination to maximising quality in all activities
  • Be responsive, innovative and seek out opportunities to create effective change
  • Have a strong commitment and be self-motivated to develop and learn
  • Create and maintain positive, professional and trusting working relationships

    Maths & English

    This apprenticeship requires learners to achieve maths and English at Level 2. Typically, it is realistic for learners to progress up one level during the apprenticeship. At interview, we will carry out an assessment to determine current literacy and numeracy levels. We will take account of any support needs in determining the suitability of learners for this apprenticeship.

    What are my career options?

    Commercial Support, Commercial Analyst, Sourcing Executive, Procurement Operations Support, Buyer, Assistant Buyer, Commercial Relationship Support, Commissioning and Performance Monitoring Officer, Framework Management Support, Contract Associate, Contract Support.

Apply for this Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship information last updated: Tuesday 2nd July 2024 @ 8.02am (18 hours ago)

Apply online

How to applyAt SGS we recruit over 600 apprentices a year for our employers. All our vacancies are advertised on the findanapprenticeship site. Follow the link to SGS vacancies and apply via the findanapprenticeship site. If you can't find what you're looking for or require further assistance, please contact our Apprenticeship team at [email protected]


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Enquire about L4 Commercial Procurement And Supply Apprenticeship 0800 0567 253 | [email protected]

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Course fees explained

The course fee can usually be broken down to three components which are Materials (resources required to study the course, for example stationery, books and other equipment), Tuition (teaching, classroom etc) and Exams. Depending on age, financial circumstances and a number of other factors you could be asked to pay the full fee or just elements of it. Usually Learners under 19s studying Full-Time courses have just Material fee costs to pay, over 19s on Full-Time or Part-Time courses usually have materials, exams and tuition fees to pay. Find out more about Understanding Fees

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