SGS College | Be Outstanding
Online full-time applications for September are now closed

All late applicants are invited to pre-book a face-to-face interview session.

Adult part-time courses are still open. See Part time courses

Recruitment Evening
Funding Options and Applications

Submitting an

Applications can be submitted from 1st June 2020 until 15th July 2021. However we highly recommend submitting an application before 18th August as funding is limited and may be depleted before your course starts. All applications are digital and submitted online. If you have any problems please contact the MMS Team. See contact details on main page.

Before you apply, make sure you have all required information to hand by viewing the downloadable PDF 'information and evidence' checklist, (This form is purely for your own information and not meant to be submitted). You will not be able to submit your application unless all required questions have been completed.

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The New Application Process

This year there will be five stages to the application process:

  1. Learner submits application
  2. An appointment is made with the learner to view supporting evidence via a TEAMS/ZOOM/ SKYPE call, (please let MMS team know if this will not be possible)
  3. A member of the MMS team and the learner meet in a chat forum at an agreed time to discuss and track evidence.
  4. You will also be asked to confirm that you understand and will abide by the 'Student Agreement'.
  5. A member of the MMS team will assess application
  6. Confirmation of the award or decline of the application will be sent to learner via email (letter will only be sent where email is not suitable).

Applications will be processed in the order they are received in, and we will begin assessing them from 1st August 2020. This allows us to confirm any last minute guidance changes. We usually aim to access applications within 3 weeks, but the changes we have made in our procedures to ensure safety during the pandemic whilst meeting all GDPR requirements, may mean a longer processing time.

Please be patient with us, we will process your application as timely as we are able to and will contact you via email, (or letter if appropriate), to let you know the outcome. We cannot provide information on applications until we have contacted you. Any contact regarding financial support will be between the MMS team and the student.

Please be aware that we are unable to discuss bursaries with parent(s) or guardian(s) unless permission is given by the student.

Check Your Eligibility

Check your Eligibility if:

  • You are not a citizen of the UK or EU/EEA and/or
  • Have not been resident in the UK and islands or the European Union or Economic Area, continuously for at least the previous 3 years on the first day of the course.

Click here to check your eligibility

Prepare Before You Apply

We will not be able to process your application unless you have accurately completed the online application form and attended a scheduled meeting with a representative of the MMS team to enable us to view your supporting evidence.

To see what information you may need to find out before completing the form, and what documentation you may need to gather before your meeting to review supporting evidence, click on the relevant checklist below:

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT CHECKLISTS: They are intended purely for your information. Application forms can be found below.

Aged 16-18 - Bursary Checklists, (including FCM)
Aged 19+ - Bursary Checklists, (including Childcare)
Aged 19+ - Fee Waiver/Legal Entitlement Checklists

Read The Student Agreement

By proceeding with a Bursary, Free College Meal or Childcare application, you are agreeing that you have read and understood the following statement and are confirming that:

  1. The information you will supply is correct and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief.
  2. You will submit supporting evidence in accordance with the requests made in the application.
  3. You understand that any attempt to dishonestly obtain a Bursary, Childcare Support or Free College Meals, or any misuse of these schemes, could be treated as fraud and may result in removal of your award and/or criminal, and/or civil proceedings against you.
  4. You understand that if applying for the 19+ Advanced Learner Bursary then you must have first have applied and been accepted for the 19+ Advanced Learner Loan.
  5. You understand that the College have the right to reclaim any funds, if it is found that you have provided incorrect or fraudulent information, or do not complete the course you have enrolled on.
  6. You will meet the College's behaviour standards, as outlined within the College policy. (You can find a copy of the College Policy in the student handbook).
  7. You understand that if you enrol on a course and withdraw as a non-starter we are unable to issue funding and you may still be liable for the College fees.
  8. You understand that funding will only be awarded for the days you are timetabled to attend College or a work placement connected to the achievement of your course.
  9. You understand it is important to be aware that bursary payments are only released to learners with attendance or over and this should be maintained throughout the year. If you are worried about keeping attendance at 90% or above, please discuss with your learning mentor or tutor.
  10. You understand that funding is limited and that applying for a bursary and meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee a bursary will be awarded.

A copy of this agreement is available for you to download and keep via the link below.

Student Agreement PDF

Links to Online Application Forms

Bursary application includes 16-18, VYP and FCM, 19+ Hardship and Loan plus Childcare. Fee Waiver application includes Low Income and Benefit Waivers/Level 2 and 3 Legal Entitlements.

PLEASE NOTE: We will not be able to process your application unless you have completed ALL required sections of the application form and we have seen the relevant supporting information.

Use this form to apply online. If you have any issues please contact the MMS Team. See contact details on main page.

Click here to complete a Bursary application form
Click here to complete a Fee Waiver/Legal Entitlement application form

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